You can pre-order Claudia Quintet’s new album RIGHT NOW


Sure, you can wait and regular order What Is the Beautiful?, the newest release from the Claudia Quintet+1 feat. Kurt Elling & Theo Bleckmann. But then it’ll be later. Pre-order the album now and while waiting to feast on WITB? snack on a sweet six-track digital sampler. Four excellent CQ tracks of various vintage, plus a new song from WITB?, ”Job”, and a live track, “No D”, all completely yours to bounce between your ears whenever you want.

This is what the professionals call aggressive foresight. Curious what the gang has in mind for Mr. Kenneth Patchen, the artist & poet to whom this album is dedicated and whose poetry is read aloud alongside the instruments? “Job” will provide a taste. Eager to get onboard with digging this band and looking for a quick way into the oeuvre? These six hand-selected tracks will guide your way. Meanwhile, when October 11th(ish, depending on your shipping address) rolls around, you’ll have the new CQ+1 disk. You will have foreseen, aggressively.

Still feeling uncertain? Take a baby step with “Job”, listenable–and downloadable–right here.


For those of you who enjoy live music (or despise recorded music), there’s good news as well: Claudia+1 will be crisscrossing the Northeast  as they perform throughout the autumn & winter.

Next month, all ye Virginians, John & Co. will be doing all sorts of fun and interactive gigs at the 31st Contemporary Music Festival at James Madison University. To wit: October 1st is a CQ+1 open rehearsal (time & location still TBD (ooh!)). On the afternoon of Tuesday, October 2nd, CQ+1 perform 4pm at the Jazz Festival in Crozet and then 9pm at The Camel. Monday, October 3rd, John CQ+1 reunite with Theo for a live performance at JMU. Then, with appetites surely whet, you’ll get the chance to learn firsthand from John & Theo as they host a masterclass/clinic on October 4th. On October 5th, the James Madison University Jazz Ensemble will be performing John’s music as John himself looks on, his feet tapping all around the beat.  You can call (540) 568-7000 to demand entry or hunt for access at this site here.

Meanwhile the massive John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble will be performing at the ninth Festival of New Trumpet Music at the Jazz Standard which runs from October 20th-23rd, with JHLE appearing October 21st-22nd in tribute to (and alongside!) octogenarian vet Kenny Wheeler.

Looking ahead: On November 18th, CQ+1 will reemerge at the Stone in New York, followed by a November 19th gig at Philadelphia Art Alliance. On November 20th they perform, with Theo, at the Cuneiform Records Showcase in Baltimore, MD December 16th-17th CQ+1 will visit The Cornelia Street Café. Finally, on February 18th, JHLE will perform at Amherst College, in Massachusetts.

Got all that? Watch this space for further details and more show dates and visit this page to keep track of all that is upcoming…

These words have been brought to you by Jacques Swartz, Chronicler of John, to whom John has relegated all duties pertaining to web PR and general online upkeep. Jacques would like to reaffirm for all interested parties that he is not, in fact, Mr. John Hollenbeck, nor is he Mr. Hollenbeck’s imaginary alter-ego, but rather a fully discrete being in his own right. All queries, complaints, kind remarks and general feedback regarding this blog may be directed to Jacques at