
Love & Thanks from the John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble

JHLE would like to extend its loving thanks to all those who came out in support of its first-ever tour. From Cornish to Clovis, Seattle to SFO, Hollenbeck’s heroes were met with gracious energy everyplace up and down the West Coast. One young man from the San Joaquin Valley wrote to John to express this in words, excerpted here:

I was scheduled to take my high school jazz band over to Clovis but Saturday morning my wife went into labor and just before the 7:30pm concert our son Khalil was born. The jazz band was able to go and play at the festival that day on their own with a few chaperones. It was such a great day for my wife, our family, our friends, and myself. Checking in with the high school group right after your concert and hearing what great time they had that day made it even more special. Thanks for being a part of it and for being such a positive and centered person/musician.

Thanks to you for being such positive and centered fans. You can view JHLE’s tour diary in photos now in full here, truly stellar chronicling by Theo Bleckmann and his compats.  Meanwhile those of us on the East Coast can look forward to the return of Herr Hollenbeck and his slimmer outfit, Claudia Quintet. THey begin a tour of their own at Littlefield on March 31st, featuring Matt Mitchell, Theo Bleckmann, and, direct from Norway, the great Hakon Kornstad. Thinkers-ahead can purchase tickets here. Watch this space for more on all things Hollenbeck.

Have you seen John Hollenbeck, musically?

We’re looking for everyone with photos, videos, audio recordings, watercolors, sketches, blog posts or text messages about seeing John perform live. This material helps us build our database of John Hollenbeck Moments and provides a rare chance to show the world what John looks like from where you’re sitting.  Email us at (once more, for emphasis) johnhollenwebpr@gmail.com with anything and everything.

These words have been brought to you by Sir Jacques, Chronicler of John, to whom JH has ceded control of his online persona. All queries, complaints, kind remarks and general feedback regarding this blog may be directed to johnhollenwebpr@gmail.com