John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble Will Join Orchestre National de Jazz at Le Poisson Rouge Next Week

First things first: The kind folk at Sunnyside Records have made JHLE’s Grammy-nominated Eternal Interlude available for streaming, complete and unabridged, right from their website. Better still, from now until Tuesday, you can purchase a download of your own at the price that you name. Will it be mp3 dollars and fifty cents, or mid-90s $21.99? It’s all up to you! Check it out here.

Next: As I’m sure you may already know, On April 25th the mighty John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble returns from their brief respite for a special one-shot dobule-bill performance at approachably hip downtown Manhattan cavern Le Poisson Rouge. Their set will be followed by a performance from longtime life-partners  L’Orchestre National de Jazz. As if any further enticement were needed, JHLE will be joined that evening by Theo Bleckmann, Kate McGarry & Uri Caine. The show is free for LPR members and $15 for the general public. Doors are at 630, show begins 730. You can buy tickets and bask in a bevy of other media by clicking here.

We hasten to note this event comes pre-vetted by the good folks at Time Out New York. To wit:

That’s right, we’re bigger than Gaga right now.

ONJ & JHLE’s storied affair springs springs from an ongoing collaboration between Hollenbeck & Daniel Yvinec, ONJ’s artistic director. In 2010 Hollenbeck composed and recorded “Shut Up And Dance”, a series of  ten mini-concertos each tailored to a different member of ONJ. You can visit ONJ’s Shut Up & Dance page pour en savoir plus and visit this store here to purchase an ONJ/SU&D download of your very own. Can’t wait for April 25th? Re-watch this stellar recording of ONJ performing “Shut Up & Dance” at Le Théâtre du Châtelet this past December.

(Le) Poisson Rouge would like to remind you “This is a first-come, first-served partially seated event. Seating is limited and not guaranteed; please arrive early”. Once again, for emphasis: you can reserve tickets at this link here.

In other key Hollenbeck news:

John’s newest work, The Tree Series, will premiere at Philadelphia’s Kimmel Center this Friday, April 22nd & Saturday, April 23rd. For this piece JH draws inspiration from the early twentieth century painting series of same name by Piet Mondrian. The Kimmel Center describe the work in more detail:

John Hollenbeck will create a new work for large jazz ensemble and dancers, taking inspiration from this first Paris period in Mondrian’s work. Specifically, the Tree Series that shows an evolution from representational art to his spiritual, geometric abstractions that the world would fall in love with. The program also features faculty and students from the Schools of Dance and Music at the University of the Arts in Stravinsky’s Ebony Concerto and with with forces from the University of Delaware on George Antheil’s percussion ensemble work Ballet Mécanique.

Tickets can be purchased by clicking here. Also in the area: ONJ will be performing at World Café Live in Wilmington, DE on April 24th. Tickets? Ici.

These words have been brought to you by Jacques Swartz, Chronicler of John, to whom John has relegated all duties pertaining to web PR and general online upkeep. Jacques would like to reaffirm for all interested parties that he is not, in fact, Mr. John Hollenbeck, nor is he Mr. Hollenbeck’s imaginary alter-ego, but rather a fully discrete being in his own right. All queries, complaints, kind remarks and general feedback regarding this blog may be directed to Jacques at