Claudia Quintet | super PETITE | October 2016 TOUR!

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Dear Voters,

We know you will do the right thing when you vote…for CQ in the upcoming GRAMMY nomination vote! In case you are undecided, we are coming to you to offer some encouragement in the form of SUPER, BIG, AWESOME, YUGE yet CONCISE (like some people’s hands) GEMS FROM OUR NEW RELEASE ON CUNEIFORM RECORDS APTLY NAMED SUPER PETITE.

As you can see from this photo above, which has been leaked by some Russian hackers to Wikileaks, Chris Tordini is joining us on this jaunt!

See you soon!


THU OCT 20 ‣ New York, NY ‣ Cornelia Street Cafe ‣ 8:00 & 9:30 PM

FRI OCT 21 ‣ New Haven, CT ‣ Firehouse 12 ‣ 8:00 PM

SUN OCT 23 ‣ Baltimore, MD ‣ UMBC Concert Hall ‣ 3:00 PM

MON OCT 24 ‣ Harrisonburg, VA ‣ Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art
James Madison University
 ‣ 8:00 PM  FREE CONCERT!!

WED OCT 26 ‣ Chicago, IL ‣ Constellation ‣ 8:30 PM

THU OCT 27 ‣ Ann Arbor, MI ‣ EDGEFEST Kerrytown Concert House ‣ 8:00 PM

SAT OCT 29 ‣ Ann Arbor, MI ‣ John Hollenbeck w/Univ of Michigan Jazz Ensemble
 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church ‣ 8:30 PM


“Forging headlong into uncharted territory on the cusp of its twentieth anniversary, The Claudia Quintet continues to adapt aspects from multiple genres and styles for its melodically harmonious grooves, making Super Petite one of the Quintet’s most engaging and enjoyable releases to date.”
– Troy Collins, Point of Departure

“Super Petite is like savoring a long and lingering feast. There is much to enjoy, concentrate on, uncover and sample. The ten tracks each offer a morsel, and the full repast is oh so delicious.”
– Doug Simpson, Audiophile Audition

“Rigorously executed but earthily grooving, dauntingly precise but flecked with hearty and intriguing improvised solos, the quintet’s set buzzed with freshness and vitality from start to finish. … For all the obvious effort and intelligence to Hollenbeck’s work, his songs could ultimately be straightforwardly emotional and moving.” – Peter Hum, Ottawa Citizen